Monday, December 9, 2013

same-sex marriage

Same-sex marriage is a big topic now of days. Different religions have different views on the subject. However most of the religions don’t approve of same sex marriage.  Ill provide a little background on some religions and how they handle the topic.
In Islam same-sex marriage isn’t seen as an ok thing. Islam defines marriage as an exchange between two parties of protection and security for exclusive sexual and reproductive rights. Through this definition, same-sex couples do not have the right to marry under the Islamic faith. In Liberal Buddhism there is no opinion on same-sex marriage. Buddha was neither for nor against same sex marriage, so same sex couples can live the lives they want and still be active in Buddhism. In Christianity same-sex marriage is seen as a sin by the many of the followers. Some Christian groups do except same-sex marriage but it is still a big issue.
My view on same-sex marriages is that it should be allowed. If that’s what makes that person happy let them do it. It’s not hurting anyone, and if it bothers you, that’s because you’re letting it bother you.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Let Me Make a Correction

I just need to make a correction in my previous post. After a talk with my friend , and fellow blogger, James(Not For The Faint Of Heart) he informed me that I'm agnostic, not atheist. Being atheist means that you don't believe in any god(s) or and higher power. An agnostic is someone that is open to the possibility of there being some kind of higher power, but believe that it is impossible to be certain.
   I think that there might be some kind of higher power that kick started everything. I just don't think any specific rules were left behind for all of us to follow. Some people limit their lives from new experiences just to follow these rules so they can be rewarded in an afterlife that they can't even be certain exist. I don't want to limit my life to rules from books write by people from more that 2000 years ago, and that's my choice. For those who follow those books, that's theirs choice and i while respect their choice as long as they respect mine.