Same-sex marriage is a big topic
now of days. Different religions have different views on the subject. However
most of the religions don’t approve of same sex marriage. Ill provide a little background on some
religions and how they handle the topic.
In Islam
same-sex marriage isn’t seen as an ok thing. Islam defines marriage as an
exchange between two parties of protection and security for exclusive sexual
and reproductive rights. Through this definition, same-sex couples do not have
the right to marry under the Islamic faith. In Liberal Buddhism there is no
opinion on same-sex marriage. Buddha was neither for nor against same sex
marriage, so same sex couples can live the lives they want and still be active
in Buddhism. In Christianity same-sex marriage is seen as a sin by the many of
the followers. Some Christian groups do except same-sex marriage but it is
still a big issue.
My view on
same-sex marriages is that it should be allowed. If that’s what makes that
person happy let them do it. It’s not hurting anyone, and if it bothers you, that’s
because you’re letting it bother you.