Monday, December 9, 2013

same-sex marriage

Same-sex marriage is a big topic now of days. Different religions have different views on the subject. However most of the religions don’t approve of same sex marriage.  Ill provide a little background on some religions and how they handle the topic.
In Islam same-sex marriage isn’t seen as an ok thing. Islam defines marriage as an exchange between two parties of protection and security for exclusive sexual and reproductive rights. Through this definition, same-sex couples do not have the right to marry under the Islamic faith. In Liberal Buddhism there is no opinion on same-sex marriage. Buddha was neither for nor against same sex marriage, so same sex couples can live the lives they want and still be active in Buddhism. In Christianity same-sex marriage is seen as a sin by the many of the followers. Some Christian groups do except same-sex marriage but it is still a big issue.
My view on same-sex marriages is that it should be allowed. If that’s what makes that person happy let them do it. It’s not hurting anyone, and if it bothers you, that’s because you’re letting it bother you.  


  1. I don't base my opinions of circumstances/issues with my religion in mind. I'm a Protestant, though that doesn't really mean much to me, and I believe that if a person wants to marry someone of the same sexual orientation let them do it. I agree that if it makes them happy, they should be allowed. I think that as long as the people love and respect each other, they have every right to do what they want. Unfortunately, in this time and age, there are some people who are still closed minded.

  2. I completely agree with your post and I think same sex marriage should be okay to everyone. I don't understand why society makes certain wrongs from right and makes people believe them. At the end of day I believe that life is all about happiness and if you don't allow same sex marriage you are causing many people to live without happiness which is completely wrong.

  3. I am Catholic and typically Catholics and other Christians are strongly opposed to same sex marriage, but I dont think that way. I support same sex marriage for the same reason Tewahedo and Sara Ann said. If two people want to get married together, and if that will make them happy, I do not see any reason to stop them. If you don't like same sex marriage, then you don't have to have one for yourself. What other people do is their business and I don't understand why people would care if two people want to be together.

  4. I agree that people should get married to whoever they want to marry or whoever they're happy with. I also think that people should be more accepting of people and the choices they wish to make. If anything its a sin to judge others and try to mandate what they can and can't do with their lives

  5. I agree with you completely you. I believe people should be able to marry whom ever they want because its their lives, not mine and they should be able to be with whom ever they are comfortable with. Although I was brought up in a Christian household and it is seen as a sin, I still have my own beliefs. Nice blog post, Malik!

  6. i believe that people have a right to be happy with each other no matter what. however ive always found same sex marriage discomforting to me. its just, when i think of a wedding i imagine a man and woman. i see nothing wrong with being gay im just not sure where i stand with gay marriage. i go back and forth.
